Saturday, April 9, 2016

Blog Challenge #3 - My Day in Great Detail

Welcome to a day in the life of me. 
Let me start out by saying that I truly ADORE my automatic coffee maker. I am so grateful that it provides me with hot coffee right away. I have not been overly impressed with the other machines out there, you know the trendy one cup at a time coffee makers. This homegirl likes her coffee already brewed so there is the least amount of wait time available. 

So, at 6:23 a.m. when my sweet but wide-awake daughter woke me up, I was happy to know what was waiting for me in the kitchen. I dressed my coffee and got her a drink and we snuggled on the couch watching tv. I love this time. I love that the house is quiet on a Saturday morning, and that we can just enjoy snuggles. 

Breakfast was cereal for the hubbs and my kiddo. I decided to try a new juice recipe. One red beet, one carrot (was rebellious and added 2 carrots), half a lemon and one apple. It was rather tasty, and I really wasn't hungry until lunchtime. Yeehaw!

Today was a work day for me - it's Saturday and a great day for people to get their hair done. I share a chair with another stylist so I only had scheduled clients for the morning. My kiddo went to the babysitter since hubbs had overtime at work today also. I don't like this about Saturdays . . .I miss having a Saturday to do normal family stuff. However, I am grateful for my job and I adore my clients and I am super happy to not be a full time teacher anymore!! 

At work today, my first client is a friend of a friend who is becoming a very precious gift in my life. Years ago after I delivered my baby girl, this person made a meal for my family and I, and she went to great lengths to make sure if was gluten free - super important for me. She does have a very generous spirit, and a great sense of humor, both of which have been like water for a thirsty soul to me. Years ago, she went through something that I am currently going through and she has been sharing that journey with me. Our main conversation today was about personality temperaments. I am definitely choleric/melancholic. I have studied them a little before but her explanations and experiences helped me understand that I was created this way, I certainly wouldn't have chosen to be these temperaments. I have often noted certain characteristics of my personality and have seen how they are not so positive or how I just don't mix well with other people on certain things, or even how other people expect things of me that are just impossible for me (in relation to personality). A light clicked on for me today as I was listening to my friend, and my heart felt a bit lighter. I am humbled and grateful 

Another client today was a young lady that I used to teach. She is in middle school now. Our time in the salon together is never without laughter and her directions. Seriously, she is pretty particular on how and even where she wants a hair cut. Today, it was to even out the back but not to cut the sides because she is growing out the "v" shape in the back. I am told that she only trusts me with her hair because I do what she asks. For me, it's more about her happiness than it is to have to cut off more than she wants just to cut every hair on her head. I have some adults that try to do this too, but I explain why I won't do it for them in most cases. Her momma texted just now that S is soooo happy with her haircut. Success!!

I picked up my girl from the babysitter and got to love on a sweet dog named Bam Bam, an English Bulldog. We don't have a dog right now but my heart aches for one. Maybe soon.

After a quick stop at the grocery store we came home to have lunch and now are relaxing before church tonight, and then a picnic and fireworks to follow. This church is new for me. It's not in the same religion that I was raised, and I am super excited about that. In my seeking and praying, this is where I am led to today. It feels like a blessed day to me - a day where I can almost feel God - a day where His presence is nearer than it has been for a long while - a day where nature is encouraging me. It is cloudy with sunshine, a moderate breeze and temps under 80 degrees. Ahhhhhhh. The firework show is perfect timing for this weather tonight! It sure beats the 112+ temps on the fourth of July. 

Other things I did that fit in my day somehow. . .
waxed my own eyebrows
cleaned a few mounds of dishes from hosting breakfast yesterday for some out of town friends
dried and folded towels and capes for work
called one of my sisters
talked with the hubbs about details for the possible upcoming move
listened to my girl read me part of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
daydreamed about the beach
told the hubbs how much I want to take our girl to Disneyland this summer
called the folks
blinked a few times which is all the nap time I will have today.

Farewell until next time.

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