Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Blog Challenge #2 - Basically Me.

Does it really matter that I mixed up the topics for day one and two?
 On the scale of things happening in my life, I sure hope not. 

I wonder what types of thing other busy moms mix up - 
perhaps lime, tequila and margarita mix? 
Just kidding. Or am I?
 I do love a good frozen margarita. 

So, this post challenge is to share some basic things about myself. 
For the LOVE, I need a bit more direction than that. 
I could share basic things about foods I like, toenail polish colors I like, things that drive me crazy, parenting stuff, adult child watching parents aging stuff, believe me there are a lot of topics. 
You know that, I am sure you could share a host of things on these and many more topics too. 
I'll find your blogs and will read your delightful words. 

Basically Me. 
I am the youngest of four kids, born in New England and raised in the desert. 
No, not the Middle East. I mean Arizona. 
I have never loved the desert landscape, 
I long for wooded areas, grass, more precipitation and gentle breezes (I could never live in Chicago!). Looking backward to below the hilltop, 
I wish I could have been a stronger and more brave person who would have moved away to gain experiences, life wisdom and just to LIVE. 
Instead, I had a lot of fear and anxiety about people and being away from the family system I knew. 
I often joke that my family was like the mafia. 
Not because of their lifestyle or culture, but more because I felt I couldn't let go or separate from it. 
And yes, when I say "the family" in my head, I say it with Al Pacino's voice. 

I am a wife and mother, 
two things I have wanted since I was a young child 
- minus about 10 years when I was teaching
 that I didn't want my own kids 
because I was so tired of other people's kids
 (not all of them, just a select few). 
My own daughter is five years old this year and 
we are quickly approaching KiNdErGaRtEn next year. 
God has given me a great kid, 
I am humbled a lot by her love for me 
and the simple joy I learn from her.
 Lately, she has been devouring bible stories and prayer during our nighttime routine. PTL!! 
Last year I was part of a MOPS group. 
I highly recommend them. It taught me a lot, and filled my inner cup. 
This was the theme last year but it has been continually coming up for me these days. 

It is a quest of "who am I?". 
Currently, I am questing (even a word?) 
into my faith of God, 
what my needs and wants are, 
what type of friends I want in my life,
 and how does my 12 step program fit in my life 
(I choose recovery from having been affected by someone's drinking).
 There are probably a few more but this tired momma brain isn't coming up with them.

I mentioned teaching, that is in my past though I will always be a teacher at heart,
 and I will ALWAYS 
have a deep love for office supplies and back to school sales! 

To end, I'll leave you with a few of my favorite things these days. . .
sunrises and sunsets
good photography
when my husband does the dishes
while walking, my daughter reaches to hold my hand
Stella Rosa red sparkling wine
sleepytime tea
swimsuit coverups
my chirporactor
my counselor
my sisters

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